Pubblicazioni 2017


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Marco Morina, Pierpaolo Cascino, Giscardo Panzavolta, Andrea Stella, Adriana Tomoiaga, Franca Davanzo.
The impact of polypharmacy and drug interactions on the onset of adverse drug reactions
In 37th International Congress of the European Association of Poisons Centres and Clinical Toxicologists (EAPCCT) 16-29 May, 2017, Basilea, Switzerland. Clinical Toxicology 55:5 (438), 2017.

Anna Celentano, Marco Morina, Rossana Borghini, Angelo Travaglia, Franca Davanzo.
Ayahuasca intoxication: Two case reports.
In 37th International Congress of the European Association of Poisons Centres and Clinical Toxicologists (EAPCCT) 16-29 May, 2017, Basilea, Switzerland. Clinical Toxicology 55:5 (442), 2017.

Anna Celentano, Fabrizio Sesana, Beatrice Giliotti, Leonardo Molino, Joannhe Georgatos, Marcello Ferruzzi, Franca Davanzo.
Exposures to automatic dishwashing detergents examined by an Italian Poison Control Center.
In 37th International Congress of the European Association of Poisons Centres and Clinical Toxicologists (EAPCCT) 16-29 May, 2017, Basilea, Switzerland. Clinical Toxicology 55:5 (496-497), 2017.

Anna Celentano, Fabrizio Sesana, Marcello Ferruzzi, Marco Morina, Valeria Dimasi, Franca Davanzo.
Ocular exposures to household detergents and cleaning products.
In 37th International Congress of the European Association of Poisons Centres and Clinical Toxicologists (EAPCCT) 16-29 May, 2017, Basilea, Switzerland. Clinical Toxicology 55:5 (497), 2017.

Marco Morina, Anna Celentano, Paolo Severgnini, Ilaria Rebutti, Franca Davanzo, Maurizio Bissoli.
A severe intoxication after ingestion of an infusion prepared with seeds bought over the Internet.
In 37th International Congress of the European Association of Poisons Centres and Clinical Toxicologists (EAPCCT) 16-29 May, 2017, Basilea, Switzerland. Clinical Toxicology 55:5 (500), 2017

Laura Settimi, Felice Giordano, Anna Celentano, Fabrizio Sesana, Laura Lauria, Franca Davanzo.
Exposures to liquid laundry detergent pods among young children in Italy following the introduction of new EU safety rules
In 2017 Annual Meeting of the North American Congress of Clinical Toxicology (NACCT) October 11-15, 2017 Vancouver, Canada.. Clinical Toxicology 55:7 (839-840), 2017